2nd Annual Key Largo Stone Crab Festival

Stone crabs are a fantastic example of sustainability.  The law does not allow the harvesting of the crab itself.  However you can catch one, remove one of the giant meat-filled claws and return the living crab back to the sea where it will soon regenerate it's missing appendage.  In Florida, stone crab claws are legend - wait for it - dary.

To celebrate the stone crab the folks of The Conch Republic are throwing a party called the Key Largo Stone Crab and Seafood Festival.  It was created by the Key Largo Merchants Association to highlight what makes Key Largo Unique –Fresh Seafood, clear waters, unique arts and crafts, music, and great, fresh seafood. Held each year on the last weekend in January, proceeds from the festival help local charities continue their goals. The festival contains cooking demos, fishing demos, a kids fishing tournament, key lime pie eating contests, shrimp eating contests, live music, magic shows, and a kids play area. Fun for the entire family.

The 2ns annual event will be held Saturday, January 29, 2011 11:00am - 8:00pm and Sunday, January 30th 11:00am - 4:00pm at Rowell's, Marina Property, mm 104.5 Bayside Key Largo.  Admission is $5 donation per person (over 12 years of age).  Proceeds to benefit Florida Keys Youth Sports.

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